Sports biomechanics that gives you the winning edge
We help you push the limits of athletic performance with technology that gives you unique insights into the workings of the human body – sports biomechanics. Explore a wide range of possibilities ranging from the evaluation of athlete technique, injury risk and creating equipment and sports technology that is optimal for specific performance goals.

AnyBody applications in sports
- Gait and running – technique, footwear assessment etc.
- Swimming – stroke technique, muscle coordination etc.
- Skiing – equipment, injury risk etc.
- Soccer – ACL, long-term injury risk etc.
- Numerical measures of performance & injury risk
and more…
Recent sports biomechanics research
- Ye B, Liu G, He Z, Xu J, Pan H, Zhu H, (2024), “Biomechanical mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injury in the jerk dip phase of clean and jerk: A case study of an injury event captured on-site”. Heliyon, vol. 10, [ DOI, WWW ]
- He Z, Liu G, Zhang B, Ye B, Zhu H, (2024), “Impact of specialized fatigue and backhand smash on the ankle biomechanics of female badminton players”. Sci. Rep., vol. 14, pp. 10282. [ DOI, WWW ]
- Akiho S, Hashida R, Tagawa Y, Maeyama A, Kinoshita K, Kanazawa K, Matsuse H, Hara M, Yamamoto T, (2024), “Bone morphology and physical characteristics of the pro-cyclist hip joint”. Int. Orthop., [ DOI, WWW ]
- Rasmussen J, Skejø S, Waagepetersen RP, (2023), “Predicting tissue loads in running from inertial measurement units”. Preprints, [ DOI, WWW ]
- Simonsen EB, Stensvig M, Andersen TB, Andersen MS, (2023), “Propulsive fractions of joint work during maximal sprint running”. Sport Sci. Health, [ DOI ]
- Auer S, Kubowitsch S, Dendorfer S, (2023), “Kombinierter Einfluss von psychologischen und biomechanischen Faktoren auf die muskulären Belastungen beim Fußballspielen”. Die Orthopädie, [ DOI ]
- Li H, Peng F, Lyu S, Ji Z, Li X, Liu M, (2023), “Newly compiled Tai Chi (Bafa Wubu) promotes lower extremity exercise: a preliminary cross sectional study”. PeerJ, vol. 11, pp. e15036. [ DOI, WWW ]
- Ren S, Liu X, Li H, Guo Y, Zhang Y, Liang Z, Zhang S, Huang H, Huang X, Ma Z, Rong Q, Ao Y, (2022), “Identification of Kinetic Abnormalities in Male Patients after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency Combined with Meniscal Injury: A Musculoskeletal Model Study of Lower Limbs during Jogging”. Bioengineering, vol. 9, pp. 716. [ DOI, WWW ]
- Takeshita Y, Kawada M, Miyazaki T, Nakai Y, Araki S, Nakatsuji S, Matsuzawa Y, Nakashima S, Kiyama R, (2022), “Effects of Knee Flexion Angles on the Joint Force and Muscle Force during Bridging Exercise: A Musculoskeletal Model Simulation”. J. Healthc. Eng., vol. 2022, [ DOI, WWW ]
- Lund Ohlsson M, Danvind J, Holmberg LJ, (2022), “Estimation of muscular metabolic power in two different cross-country sit-skiing sledges using inverse-dynamics simulation”. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, vol. 9, pp. 20556683221131557. [ DOI ]
- Dupré T (2021), “Groin injuries in soccer“, Ph.D. Thesis, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln.
Recent sports biomechanics webcasts
- From Vicon motion capture data to musculoskeletal analysis using AnyBody
- Introduction to AnyBodyRun – A web application for running biomechanics
- Effect of mental demand on leg loading in highly dynamic motion
- Cross-Country Sit-Skiing
- Outdoor Motion Capture and Musculoskeletal Simulations
- Ground reaction force prediction with the AnyBody Modeling System