Expedite product development and testing
The AnyBody products and services help you investigate consumer product biomechanics and revolutionize designs for your products, within reduced time frames and costs. We provide objective, data backed solutions to help you address a wide array of development challenges such as optimizing performance of products interacting with the human body and ensuring human compliance with your product. Use population based simulations in areas as e.g. handtool analysis, packaging analysis and ease of use analysis.

- Population based design optimization
- Ergonomic analysis of products
- Ease of use analysis
- Quantify performance objectively
- Explore human impact from design changes
- Packaging analysis: opening, handeling
- Handtool analysis: grip, weigth balance
- Personal product analysis: ease of use
- Home appliance products analysis: ergonomics
and more…
Recent research
- Acar M, Erdil YZ, Ozcan C, (2023), “Computer-aided ergonomic analysis of primary school furniture dimensions”. Ergonomics, pp. 1-18. [ DOI, WWW ]
- Zhu Y, Li H, Lyu S, Shan X, Jan YK, Ma F, (2023), “Stair-climbing wheelchair proven to maintain user’s body stability based on AnyBody musculoskeletal model and finite element analysis”. PLoS One, vol. 18, pp. e0279478. [ DOI, WWW ]
- Akisue KURAMOTO MN, (2023), “Postural stabilization effect of neck pillow during short-term rest in sitting position in an office chair with medium-height backrest”. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, [ DOI ]
- Acar M, Erdil YZ, Ozcan C, (2023), “Computer-aided ergonomic analysis of primary school furniture dimensions”. Ergonomics, pp. 1-18. [ DOI, WWW ]
- Mohamaddan S, Rahman A, Shanat M, Md Dawal SZ, Hanafusa A, (2021), “Ergonomics simulation and analysis of specially designed chair”. Int. J. Mech., vol. 15, pp. 265-269. [ DOI, WWW ]
- Skendraoui N, Bogard F, Murer S, Ahram TZ, Fiok K, Taiar R, (2019), “The Musculoskeletal Contribution in Wheelchair Propulsion Systems: Numerical Analysis”. Advances in Ergonomics in Design, pp. 251-260. [ DOI ]
- Theodorakos I, Savonnet L, Beurier G, Wang X (2019), “Can Computationally Predicted Internal Loads Be Used to Assess Sitting Discomfort? Preliminary Results“, In: Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018), pp. 447-456. [DOI]
- Tomohisa Kato, Takanao Fujii, Satoshi Nakajima, Hiroyasu Kintaka, Shinichi Idee, (2018), “Musculoskeletal simulation analysis of elderly person during sit-to-stand motion using handrails”. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, vol. 2018.30, pp. 2D16. [ DOI, WWW ]
- Kilic H, Ozcan C, Efe H, Kasal A, (2017), “Computer aided ergonomics in furniture design: baby crib case study”. The XXVIIITH International conference Research for Furniture Industry, Poznan, Poland, 21-22 September 2017,
- Efe H, Kasal A, Kiliç H, Ozcan C (2015), “Effect of the Critical Ergonomics Parameters on Domestic Chairs for Comfort using the Human Based Product Development Software“, In: The XXVIIth International Conference Research for Furniture Industry. [PDF, WWW]
- Hess S (2013), “Modelling and analysis of an impulse stimulated human body by a hand-guided power tool“, Thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. [PDF, WWW]
- Karlsson D, Osvalder AL, Rasmussen J, (2007), “Towards better seating design – a discussion and comparison between office chairs and car seats”. Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference 2007, Lysekil, Sweden, pp. 6-6 pp..