Year 1148 Publications
Momoko Y, Masashi T, Hiroshige T, Yoshiki M, Masashi K, Noriaki I., (2025), "Center of Pressure of Medial Knee Contact Force Predicts Future Transition Risk of Knee Surgery in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis". Ann. Biomed. Eng., [ DOI ]
Yunsheng X, Hongyi J, Zhenbing N, Lili Z, Nina S, (2025), "Driver muscle fatigue analysis based on monorail crane operating environment biomechanical coupling model and surface electromyography signal". Proc Inst Mech Eng Part C, pp. 09544062251315322. [ DOI ]
Yang C, (2025), "Digital devices usage and neck and shoulder pain among college students: a cross-sectional study in China". Int. J. Environ. Health Res., pp. 1-13. [ DOI ]
Kishta S, Khalil Z, Badawy A, Diab O, (2024), "Exoskeleton supporting back and shoulders". MSA Engineering Journal, vol. 3, pp. 25-37. [ DOI ]
Shimizusawa Y, Matsuda J, Kataoka R, Inoue M, (2024), "A universal design method based on motion analysis by using motion capture and musculoskeletal model: Case study of product shelf height". J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol. 18, [ WWW ]
Menze J, Rojas JT, Zumstein MA, Ferguson SJ, De Pieri E, Gerber K, (2024), "Biomechanical Evaluation of Physical Examination Tests for Rotator Cuff Tears – A Computer Simulation Study". J. Shoulder Elbow Surg., [ DOI ]
Paul GE, Islam MS, Rasmussen J, Harih G, (2024), "The Digital Twin in Tertiary and Reconstructive Health". Presented at NATO Science & Technology Organization HFM-MSG-375 Human Digital Twin Symposium, [ WWW ]
Rasmussen J, Theodorakos I, Andreasen JH, (2024), "Digital Twins of Dismounted Infantry Biomechanics". Presented at NATO Science & Technology Organization HFM-MSG-375 Human Digital Twin Symposium, [ WWW ]
Reinker L, (2024), "Real-time simulation and evaluation of data from wearable smart-devices to prevent musculoskeletal signs of aging". Ph.D. Thesis, [ WWW ]
John S, Bierwirth T, Nebel D, Einfeldt AK, Jakubowitz E, Tücking LR, Savov P, Ettinger M, Windhagen H, Hurschler C, Schwarze M, (2024), "Effect of tibiofemoral alignment on simulated knee contact forces during gait in mechanically and kinematically aligned total knee arthroplasty patients". Sci. Rep., vol. 14, [ DOI, WWW ]
Tzanetis P, Fluit R, de Souza K, Robertson S, Koopman B, Verdonschot N, (2024), "ISTA Award 2023: Toward functional reconstruction of the pre-diseased state in total knee arthroplasty". Bone Joint J., vol. 106-B 11, pp. 1231-1239. [ WWW ]
Hu F, Theodorakos I, Andersen MS, Dumas R, Wang X, (2024), "Effects of lumbar lordosis on Spine loads during seating: a simulation study". HAL open sicence, [ WWW ]
Shayestehpour H, Shayestehpour MA, Wong C, Bencke J, Rasmussen J, (2024), "Biomechanical analysis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: Investigating muscle activation asymmetry during gait using a comprehensive thoracic musculoskeletal model". 32nd Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Research Society, [ WWW ]
Alexander N, Cip J, Brunner RG, De Pieri E, (2024), "Effect of femoral derotational osteotomy in patients with idiopathic increased femoral anteversion on joint loading and muscular demands". J. Child. Orthop., pp. 18632521241269339. [ DOI ]
Bahig OM, (2024), "A Protocol Towards Simulating an Image-Based, Motion-Capture-Driven Personalized Musculoskeletal Knee Model". Masters Thesis, [ WWW ]
Gautam K, Hefzy MS, Mustapha AA, Kyle B, (2024), "Comparison of Open Sim and AnyBody modeling system™ predictions in biomechanical modeling of upper extremities". Int. J. Res. Orthop., vol. 10, pp. 717-724. [ DOI ]
De Pieri E, Hörmann S, Siggelkow E, Bandi M, (2024), "Development and validation of a musculoskeletal modelling framework to predict tka passive mechanics". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Alexander N, De Pieri E, Cip J, Brunner R, (2024), "Effect of femoral derotational osteotomy in patients with increased femoral anteversion". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Rieger F, Fernandez G, Smit T, Ferguson SJ, Rothenfluh DA, Ignasiak D, (2024), "Towards optimizing personalized targets in spine surgery based on musculoskeletal and statistical shape modeling". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Tzanetis P, Fluit R, de Souza K, Robertson S, Koopman B, Verdonschot N, (2024), "Toward functional reconstruction of the pre-diseased state in robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Gschoßmann L, Stein L, Dendorfer S, (2024), "Subject specific scaling of muscle strengths in the lower extremity for musculoskeletal models". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Peitola J, Esrafilian A, Simonsen MB, Andersen MS, Korhonen RK, (2024), "Reduced muscle strength can alter the effects of gait modifications on knee cartilage mechanics". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Caimi A, Ferguson SJ, Ignasiak D, (2024), "Effect of altered properties of the l4/l5 intervertebral disc on lumbar spine biomechanics". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Simonsen MB, Engelund BK, de Zee M, Rasmussen J, Andersen MS, (2024), "Person-specific scaling of maximal isometric strength based on one-repetition-maximum estimations". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Simonsen MB, Barn R, Wright L, Abbott M, Miller R, Hirata RP, Andersen MS, Woodburn J, (2024), "Experimental tibialis posterior tendon pain effects on ankle kinematics and kinetics". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Adler I, Förstl N, Suess F, Dendorfer S, (2024), "Biomechanical exposition of the factors influencing the pelvic floor muscle activity". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Förstl N, Adler I, Suess F, Čechová H, Jansová M, Cimrman R, Vychytil J, Dendorfer S, (2024), "Workflow for the development of a non-invasive feedback device to assess pelvic floor contractions". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Xu J, Xia P, Xu R, Tang Z, Jin Z, Li J, (2024), "The accuracy of marker-based scaling for biomechanical modelling of the musculoskeletal system". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Daroudi S, Najafabad SN, Mohseni M, Parnianpour M, Arjmand N, (2024), "Vertical ground reaction force and center of pressure prediction during lifting activities using machine learning". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Tawara D, Soga Y, Komatsu Y, Kawano F, Kobuchi S, (2024), "Musculoskeletal simulation for load assessment of gait on 3d-network-structured fiber material". 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Mohammadamin S, (2024), "Development and Validation of a Passive Musculoskeletal Ankle Joint Model Capable of Simulating Fibular Injuries with a Focus on Deltoid Ligament". Masters Thesis, [ WWW ]
Li M, Li B, Chen G, Huading B, Shi C, Yu F, (2024), "Biomechanics-based study of muscle activation under different driving conditions for Chinese percentiles". Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, vol. n/a, [ DOI ]
Gregory T, Nahavandi D, Mohajer N, (2024), "Virtual Simulation and Analysis of a Neck Support Exoskeleton for Helicopter Pilots". 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS), pp. 1-6. [ DOI ]
Yang Z, Lu H, Chen M, Guan Q, Liu Q, Guo S, (2024), "Human–robot mechanics model using hip torque identification with a dual-arm nursing-care transfer robot". Int. J. Adv. Rob. Syst., vol. 21, pp. 17298806241249848. [ DOI ]
Menze J, Rojas JT, Ferguson SJ, De Pieri E, Gerber K, Zumstein MA, (2024), "Lower Trapezius and Latissimus Dorsi Transfer relieve Teres Minor Activity into the Physiological Range in Collin D Irreparable Posterosuperior Massive Rotator Cuff Tears: A Biomechanical Analysis". J. Shoulder Elbow Surg., [ DOI, WWW ]
Song M, Li Z, Jiang J, Chen W, Guo S, Zheng H, Niu L, (2024), "Design, Simulation and Kinematic Validation of a Hip Prosthetic Mechanism with a Multimotor Function". J. Bionic Eng., [ DOI ]
Holl M, Tröster M, Rack R, Daub U, Schneider U, Bauernhansl T, Müller G, (2024), "Digitale Arbeitsmodelle und Methoden/Digital work models and methods – Transparency for the use of occupational exoskeletons as an ergonomic measure". wt Werkstattstechnik online, vol. 114, pp. 59-65. [ DOI, WWW ]
Wong C, Shayestehpour H, Koutras C, Dahl B, Otaduy MA, Rasmussen J, Bencke J, (2024), "Using Electric Stimulation of the Spinal Muscles and Electromyography during Motor Tasks for Evaluation of the Role in Development and Progression of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis". J. Clin. Med, [ DOI, WWW ]
Phombut C, Rooppakhun S, Chaiyasit K, Bhakdisongkhram G, (2024), "Comparative study of kinematics and kinetics of knee joint between normal knee and undergone total knee arthroplasty during sit-to-stand". 2024 8th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Applications (ICBEA), 2024 8th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Applications (ICBEA), pp. 93-98. [ DOI, WWW ]
Yinghu Peng, Yan Wang, Qida Zhang, Shane Fei Chen, Ming Zhang & Guanglin Li, (2024), "Custom orthotic design by integrating 3D scanning and subject-specific FE modelling workflow". Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., [ DOI ]
Ji R, Liu X, Liu Y, Yan B, Yang J, Lee WY, Wang L, Tao C, Kuai S, Fan Y, (2024), "Kinematic difference and asymmetries during level walking in adolescent patients with different types of mild scoliosis". Biomed. Eng. Online, [ DOI ]
Peiffer M, Duquesne K, Delanghe M, Van Oevelen A, De Mits S, Audenaert E, Burssens A, (2024), "Quantifying Walking Speeds in Relation to Ankle Biomechanics on a Real-Time Interactive Gait Platform: A Musculoskeletal Modeling Approach in Healthy Adults". Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 12, [ DOI ]
Daroudi S, Arjmand N, Mohseni M, El-Rich M, Parnianpour M, (2024), "Evaluation of ground reaction forces and centers of pressure predicted by AnyBody Modeling System during load reaching/handling activities and effects of the prediction errors on model-estimated spinal loads". J. Biomech., pp. 111974. [ DOI, WWW ]
De Pieri E, Egloff C, Mündermann A, Nüesch C, Herger S, Liphardt AM, Chammartin F, (2024), "Load-induced blood marker kinetics in patients with medial knee compartment osteoarthritis are associated with accumulated load and patient reported outcome measures". F1000 Research, vol. 12, [ DOI ]
Handa S, Kitamura K, Kawai H, Nishida Y, (2024), "Analysis of impact of daily objects’ shape on standing and sitting behavior of frail older people". Innov. Aging, vol. 8, pp. 153-153. [ DOI ]
Schön KA, (2024), "Musculoskeletal modeling and simulation to estimate the complete dynamic load case on the human pelvis during daily activities". Masters Thesis,
Tzanetis P, (2024), "Toward personalized total knee arthroplasty Pre-planning the patient’s optimal joint function". Ph.D. Thesis, [ DOI ]
Zhihao D, Yutong Z, Haojie L, Feng Z, Feiyu L, (2024), "Stress characteristics of the main joints of femur and lower limb bones of Tai Chi with different steps based on Anybody simulation". CJTER, [ DOI ]
Oswald A, Menze J, Hess H, Jacxsens M, Rojas JT, Lädermann A, Schär M, Ferguson SJ, Zumstein MA, Gerber K, (2024), "Effect of patient-specific scapular morphology on the glenohumeral joint force and shoulder muscle force equilibrium: a study of rotator cuff tear and osteoarthritis patients". Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 12, [ DOI, WWW ]
Prado M, Oyama S, Giambini H, (2024), "Marker-Based Versus IMU-Based Kinematics for Estimates of Lumbar Spine Loads Using a Full-Body Musculoskeletal Model". J. Appl. Biomech., pp. 1-10. [ DOI ]
Park J, Ye Y, Du J, Srinivasan D, (2024), "Virtual reality simulation of exoskeleton-assistance for manual material handling". IEEE Access, vol. PP, pp. 1-1. [ DOI ]
Pei H, Tao Q, Su N, (2024), "Parallel Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot and AnyBody Man-Machine Coupling Analysis". 2024 World Rehabilitation Robot Convention (WRRC), pp. 1-6. [ DOI ]
Justyna S, Szczepan P, (2024), "Influence of the femoral neck-shaft and anteversion angles on the loadings acting in the musculoskeletal system during walking". Book Chapter, In: Jolanta P, Marcin K, Mart B, (Ed), Recent developments in biomedical engineering, pp. 141-157. [ DOI ]
Siegel F, Buj C, Merfort R, Hein A, Aschwege F, (2024), "Evaluating the viability of neural networks for analysing electromyography data in home rehabilitation: Estimating foot progression angle". Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, [ DOI ]
Shoulin X, Yafei QU, Jiaxuan REN, Jing Z, Hui LI, Zhenxian C, (2023), "Effect of prosthetic joint line installation height errors on insert wear in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty". Journal of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 40, [ DOI ]
Jafarian M, Hoseini N, Safahieh A, Namnabat MS, Arjmand N, (2023), "Comparison of Different Risk Assessment Tools to Manage Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Workers in an Automobile Manufacturing Company". 2023 30th National and 8th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME), pp. 253-259. [ DOI ]
Musolf BM, Andersen MS, Theodorakos I, (2023), "Towards a laxity protocol for in vivo applications: Preliminary results parameters". 15th Annual DBS Meeting, Danish Society of Biomechanics, [ WWW ]
Zadoń H, Michnik R, Nowakowska-Lipiec K, (2023), "Exploring the impact of body mass change on fatigue and activity of the muscular system during daily routine". Technol. Health Care, pp. 1-12. [ DOI ]
Simonsen EB, Stensvig M, Andersen TB, Andersen MS, (2023), "Propulsive fractions of joint work during maximal sprint running". Sport Sci. Health, [ DOI ]
Auer S, Kubowitsch S, Dendorfer S, (2023), "Kombinierter Einfluss von psychologischen und biomechanischen Faktoren auf die muskulären Belastungen beim Fußballspielen". Die Orthopädie, [ DOI ]
Akisue KURAMOTO MN, (2023), "Postural stabilization effect of neck pillow during short-term rest in sitting position in an office chair with medium-height backrest". Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, [ DOI ]
Xu H, Yang H, Shang Y, Zhang Y, Liu Z, Wang Q, Zhang G, (2023), "Optimization of the key position parameters for tractor steering wheel based on a driver’s arm muscle load analysis". Int J Agric & Biol Eng, vol. 16, [ DOI ]
Esrafilian A, Halonen KS, Dzialo CM, Mannisi M, Mononen ME, Tanska P, Woodburn J, Korhonen RK, Andersen MS, (2023), "Effects of gait modifications on tissue-level knee mechanics in individuals with medial tibiofemoral osteoarthritis: A proof-of-concept study towards personalized interventions". J. Orthop. Res., [ DOI, WWW ]
Villotti, Samuel, Ralfs, Lennart and Weidner, Robert., (2023), "Biomechanische Simulation zur Auslegung von Exoskeletten: Am Beispiel des Einsatzes an industriellen Arbeitsplätzen". Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 118, pp. 406-411. [ DOI ]
Çalikuşu İ, Uzunhi̇sarcikli E, Fi̇dan U, (2023), "Modeling and biomechanical analysis of lower extremity exoskeleton". Gazi Üniv. Mühendis.-Mimar. Fak. Derg., [ DOI ]
Mündermann A, Nüesch C, Herger S, Liphardt AM, Chammartin F, De Pieri E, Egloff C, (2023), "Load-induced blood marker kinetics in patients with medial knee compartment osteoarthritis are associated with accumulated load and patient reported outcome measures". F1000Res., vol. 12, pp. 299. [ DOI, WWW ]
Wadgure AT, Mishra P, Babu PS, Reddy MV, (2023), "Analysis of hollow aluminum square tube of refitted mattresses using mathematical calculation & computerized 3-dimensional development". Int. J. Interact. Des. Manuf., [ DOI ]
Serbest K, Ozkan MT, Cilli M, (2023), "Estimation of joint torques using an artificial neural network model based on kinematic and anthropometric data". Neural Comput. Appl., [ DOI ]
Gao Y, Epstein S, Inalpolat M, Wu YN, Gu Y, (2023), "Modeling of Interface Loads for EOD Suit Wearers". arXiv [eess.SP], [ WWW ]
Theodorakos I, Wang X, (2023), "Validation of Computationally Estimated Human Body-Seat Contact Forces During Sitting". Book Chapter, In: Scataglini S, Harih G, Saeys W, Truijen S, (Ed), Advances in Digital Human Modeling, pp. 115-124.
Bhavna, Singla E, Mahajan DK, (2023), "Impact of Misalignment on Wearable Arm Robotic System". Recent Advances in Machines, Mechanisms, Materials and Design (iNaCoMM 2023) conference, [ DOI ]
Yang S, Chen A, Jin C, Teng Y, (2023), "THE ROLE OF MUSCLE RELAXATION IN BADMINTON PLAYERS". Rev. Brasil. Med. Esporte, vol. 29, [ DOI ]
Villotti S, Durst L, Weidner R, (2023), "Digital Twin for Evaluating Support Characteristics for Industrial Exoskeletons for Upper Body Activities". Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2022, pp. 117-128. [ DOI ]
Hahnemann Y, Götz S, Rasmussen J, (2023), "Implementation of a Pseudo-Rigid-Body-Model in the AnyBody Modeling System representing large defections of a beam". XIX International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics,
Theodorakos I, Andersen MS, (2023), "Influence of the Experimental Protocol and the Optimization Method on the Noninvasive Estimation of Knee Ligaments Properties". Book Chapter, In: Scataglini S, Harih G, Saeys W, Truijen S, (Ed), Advances in Digital Human Modeling, pp. 135-144.
Menze J, Croci E, Andersen MS, Hess H, Ferguson SJ, Müller AM, Mündermann A, Gerber K, (2023), "The Influence of Muscular Modeling on Glenohumeral Stability in a Shoulder Model Considering Force Dependent Kinematics". XIX International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics,
Tokunaga Y, Kikuchi T, Handa K, Kubo S, (2023), "CAN ALTERING THE SEGMENT OF APPLICATION REDUCE THE RESIDUAL FORCE AND MOMENT?". XIX International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics,
Funken J, Zedler M, Lüdorff S, Alt T, Heinrich K, Potthast W, (2023), "FORCE PROFILE OF FUNCTIONAL LEG MUSCLE GROUPS IN CURVE SPRINTING – PRELIMINARY RESULTS". 41st International Society of Biomechanics in Sports Conference,,
Song M, Chen W, Guo S, Li Z, Rasmussen J, Bai S, (2023), "Design, Simulation and Kinematic Verification of A Multi-Loop Ankle-foot Prosthetic Mechanism". IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, pp. 1-8. [ DOI ]
Lentz-Nielsen N, Boysen MD, Munk-Hansen M, Laursen AD, Steffensen M, Engelund BK, Iversen K, Larsen RG, de Zee M, (2023), "Validation of Metabolic Models for Estimation of Energy Expenditure During Isolated Concentric and Eccentric Muscle Contractions". J. Biomech. Eng., pp. 1-15. [ DOI ]
Fliri J, Menze J, Zumstein MA, Ferguson SJ, Burger J, Gerber K, (2023), "SENSITIVITY STUDY OF THE HILL MUSCLE MODEL IN A MUSCULOSKELETAL SHOULDER MODEL". 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, [ DOI ]
Stoltze J, Oliveira AS, Rasmussen J, Andersen MS, (2023), "{Evaluation of an Unloading Concept for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Pilot Study in a Small Patient Group}". J. Biomech. Eng., pp. 1-39. [ DOI ]
Hata K, Ishido Y, Fukudome K, Kiyama R, Nishi T, Nakatsuji S, Yone K, (2023), "2 Effect of Alteration in Hip Joint Alignment following Total Hip Arthroplasty on Hip 3 Joint Contact Force during Gait". Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics,
Ishii C, Yamada T, (2023), "Evaluation of Endoskeleton-Type Assist Suit “Sustainable” Based on Musculoskeletal Model". [ WWW ]
Ignasiak D, Behm P, Mannion AF, Galbusera F, Kleinstück F, Fekete TF, Haschtmann D, Jeszenszky D, Zimmermann L, Richner-Wunderlin S, Vila-Casademunt A, Pellisé F, Obeid I, Pizones J, Sánchez Pérez-Grueso FJ, Karaman MI, Alanay A, Yilgor Ç, Ferguson SJ, Loibl M, ESSG European Spine Study Group, (2022), "Association between sagittal alignment and loads at the adjacent segment in the fused spine: a combined clinical and musculoskeletal modeling study of 205 patients with adult spinal deformity". Eur. Spine J., [ DOI, WWW ]
Li J, Zhu Y, Guan T, (2022), "Numerical Simulation Method of Scoliosis Orthosis Considering Muscle Factor". J. Shanghai Jiatong Univ., [ DOI ]
Miura T, Hongo M, Kasukawa Y, Kijima H, Kudo D, Saito K, Kimura R, Iwami T, Miyakoshi N, (2022), "Relationship between Intervertebral Disc Compression Force and Sagittal Spinopelvic Lower Limb Alignment in Elderly Women in Standing Position with Patient-Specific Whole Body Musculoskeletal Model". Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, vol. 19, [ DOI, WWW ]
Shengxian Y, Zongxing L, Jing W, Lin G, (2022), "The effect of the 2-UPS/RR ankle rehabilitation robot with coupling biomechanical model on muscle behaviors". Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., [ DOI ]
Auer S, Tröster M, Schiebl J, Iversen K, Chander D, Damsgaard M, Dendorfer S, (2022), "Biomechanical assessment of the design and efficiency of occupational exoskeletons with the AnyBody Modeling System". Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, [ DOI ]
Dehghan P, Arjmand N, (2022), "The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Weight Generates Different Spine Loads in Load-Handling Activity Performed Using Stoop, Semi-squat and Full-Squat Techniques; a Full-Body Musculoskeletal Model Study". Hum. Factors, pp. 187208221141652. [ DOI, WWW ]
Schiebl J, Tröster M, Idoudi W, Gneiting E, Spies L, Maufroy C, Schneider U, Bauernhansl T, (2022), "Model-Based Biomechanical Exoskeleton Concept Optimization for a Representative Lifting Task in Logistics". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19, pp. 15533. [ DOI, WWW ]
Ren S, Liu X, Li H, Guo Y, Zhang Y, Liang Z, Zhang S, Huang H, Huang X, Ma Z, Rong Q, Ao Y, (2022), "Identification of Kinetic Abnormalities in Male Patients after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency Combined with Meniscal Injury: A Musculoskeletal Model Study of Lower Limbs during Jogging". Bioengineering, vol. 9, pp. 716. [ DOI, WWW ]
Böhme M, (2022), "Untersuchungen zur Biomechanik und seniorengerechten Gestaltung von exoskelettalen Bewegungsunterstützungssystemen zur Überwindung von Treppen". Ph.D. Thesis,
Suwa S, Inoue K, Matsuoka R, (2022), "Analysis Method for Motion Factors Related to Joint Contact Forces at the Knee during Walking Using Grad-CAM". 2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), pp. 1327-1331. [ DOI ]
Karacaoglu B, Sahin AM, Ciklacandir S, Yilmaz M, Mihcin S, (2022), "Development of a Force Sensor for Biomechanical Simulations of a Cycling Activity". 2022 Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO), pp. 1-4. [ DOI ]
Dasgupta A, Sharma R, Mishra C, Nagaraja VH, (2022), "Machine Learning for Optical Motion Capture-driven Musculoskeletal Modeling from Inertial Motion Capture Data". arXiv [cs.LG], [ WWW ]
Tomasi M, Artoni A, Mattei L, Pucci FD, (2022), "On the estimation of hip joint loads through musculoskeletal modeling". Research Square, [ DOI ]
Seiferheld BE, Frost J, Krog M, Skals S, Andersen MS, (2022), "Biomechanical investigation of a passive upper-extremity exoskeleton for manual material handling – a computational parameter study and modelling approach". International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation (IJHFMS), vol. 7, [ DOI ]
Yang Y, Qi J, Liu J, Wang Y, Xu L, Zhang Y, Cheng L, (2022), "Effect of seat tilting on biomechanics of L4 in tractor drivers". Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Engin., pp. 1-12. [ DOI ]
Fau G, Böcker J, Zange J, Mittag U, Rawer R, Gruber M, Kramer A, Tørholm S, Arnaud R, Cifuentes AF, Rittweger J, (2022), "NEX4EX: Novel Exercise Hardware for Exploration". 16th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, [ WWW ]
Kong YK, Choi KH, Cho MU, Kim SY, Kim MJ, Shim JW, Park SS, Kim KR, Seo MT, Chae HS, Shim HH, (2022), "Ergonomic Assessment of a Lower-Limb Exoskeleton through Electromyography and Anybody Modeling System". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19, pp. 8088. [ DOI, WWW ]
Hansen JB, Kristiansen NH, (2022), "A Data-Based Parametric Biomechanical Running Model driven by Pose Estimation – A proof of concept study". Masters Thesis,
Xiong B, Yang P, Lin T, Xu J, Xie Y, Guo Y, Liu C, Zhou Q, Lai Q, He W, Wei Q, Zhang Q, (2022), "Changes in hip joint contact stress during a gait cycle based on the individualized modeling method of “gait-musculoskeletal system-finite element”". J. Orthop. Surg. Res., vol. 17, pp. 267. [ DOI, WWW ]
Andersen MS, (2022), "Chapter 33 – Rigid-body and musculoskeletal models". Human Orthopaedic Biomechanics - Fundamentals, Devices and Applications, pp. 659-680.
Kang KT, Koh YG, Park KM, Choi CH, Jung M, Cho H, Kim SH, (2022), "Effects of the Anterolateral Ligament and Anterior Cruciate Ligament on Knee Joint Mechanics: A Biomechanical Study Using Computational Modeling". Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 10, pp. 23259671221084970. [ DOI ]
Woiczinski M, Lehner C, Esser T, Kistler M, Azqueta M, Leukert J, Bauer L, Kraft E, (2022), "Influence of Treadmill Design on Gait: Does Treadmill Size Affect Muscle Activation Amplitude? A Musculoskeletal Calculation With Individualized Input Parameters of Gait Analysis". Front. Neurol., vol. 13, pp. 830762. [ DOI, WWW ]
Duquesne K, Pattyn C, Vanderstraeten B, Audenaert EA, (2022), "Handle With Care: The Anterior Hip Capsule Plays a Key Role in Daily Hip Performance". Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 10, pp. 23259671221078254. [ DOI ]
Christensen SS, (2022), "User-Centered Modelling and Design of Assistive Exoskeletons". Ph.D. Thesis, [ WWW ]
Rodrigues C, Correia M, Abrantes J, Rodrigues M, Nadal J, (2022), "Lower limb joint load comparison from subject specific musculoskeletal model simulation and direct measurements on different subject with instrumented implant during normal and abnormal gait". Computer Methods, Imaging and Visualization in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering II, pp. 250-270. [ DOI, WWW ]
S. T. Mubarrata SC, (2022), "Convolutional LSTM: A Deep Learning Approach to Predict Shoulder Joint Reaction Forces". Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Engin.,
Matsuo F, Kawakami J, Karasuyama M, Matsuura K, Tagawa Y, (2022), "A simulation approach for mechanical stresses on repaired tendons in patients after rotator cuff tears: A biomechanical study on how to assist in preventing retears". vol. 17,
Oh J, Ripic Z, Signorile JF, Andersen MS, Kuenze C, Letter M, Best TM, Eltoukhy M, (2022), "Monitoring joint mechanics in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using depth sensor-driven musculoskeletal modeling and statistical parametric mapping". Med. Eng. Phys., vol. 103, pp. 103796. [ DOI, WWW ]
LIU Jinyue, LI Huiyu, JIA Xiaohui, LI Jiarui, (2022), "Dynamic gait recognition method based on human model constraints". Journal of Computer Applications,
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