Ingress and egress simulation analysis

The AnyBody Modeling System can be used as an ingress and egress simulation software to evaluate the dynamics of the ingress and egress motion. Typically, this is done using a model driven and loaded by captured motion capture data. This type of model allows detailed objective and quantitative evaluation insights into internal biomechanical body parameters as muscle and joint forces while doing the motion.


  • Ingress and egress simulation answers
  • Evaluation of the ingress / egress motion
  • Elder-friendly vehicle ingress design
  • Comfort / discomfort evaluation of car ingress motion
  • Objective and quantitative evaluation insights into internal biomechanical body parameters as muscle and joint forces while doing the ingress and egress motion

Examples of input and output for a model of ingress and egress simulation:


  • Motion capture data (C3D/BVH)
  • Force plate data (C3D)


  • Muscle and joint reaction forces
  • Motion of joints
  • And much more

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The steps to model this can be the following

  1. Start with the motion capture model Multi trial MoCap Model to define the experimental setup
  2. Define the experimental setup by defining the force plates (if any)
  3. Run the motion analysis
  4. Run the inverse dynamic analysis
  5. Evaluate the output

Models in AMMR

Selected ingress and egress research

  • Schwirtz A, Bichler R, Kaiser R (2009), “Method for biomechanical evaluation of the ingress and egress motion“, ANSYS Conference & 27th.CADFEM Users’ Meeting. [PDF]
  • Rasmussen J, Christensen ST (2005), “Musculoskeletal Modeling of Egress with the AnyBody Modeling System“, In: SAE Technical Paper Series, pp. 822-828. [DOIWWW]
  • Ting-Liters C (2010), “Design an elder-friendly vehicle ingress space using musculoskeletal simulation“, Thesis, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. [WWW]
  • Kim SH, Lee K (2009), “Development of discomfort evaluation method for car ingress motion“, Int. J. Automot. Technol. Manage., vol. 10, pp. 619-627. [DOI]
  • More automotive related papers